Karen Kingston Proves Intent to Harm and Kill the Vaccinated
FDA Documents its Own Crimes Against Humanity
Today, I copied and pasted into another file all my Substack articles in The Journal of Implausible Deniability. Who knows whether or not at some point Substack will be swallowed up by the same monsters who have taken over much of the administrative state. I didn't want to lose all that work. It was at least a record of my own journey through the maze of deceptions and mandates by which treasonous elements in the government, media, and corporate boardrooms have manipulated the beleaguered public. I was shocked when I realized that between January 2021 and today, November 29, I had put out 415 pages of essays. Granted these are comfortably formatted pages, not full of densely packed lines like inexpensive paperback versions of famous novels. Still, with all of that, plus another book project, in less than a year, I've written just shy of 600 pages. This is not something I ever would have expected back before the "pandemic" when I planned to be mainly focused on musical gigs and production.
I'm going to make this very brief. If you dip into my past Substack pieces, you'll see that most of the information I gathered along the way has been confirmed. We have been subjected to a biological attack orchestrated from within our own government, and the main vector of that attack was the mRNA pseudo-vaccines. Many of our most prominent medical researchers have pointed this out endlessly but have been censored and ignored by government bureaucrats working with big tech and media. Even segments of the mainstream media have now admitted this collusion. The scale of the conspiracy is without precedent, something that could only have happened via gigantic information monopolies like Google and Facebook. I know the historically illiterate like to think conspiracy theories are all crazy fantasies when in reality they have been one of the major elements in political change throughout all of written history, starting with the earliest writings that survive from ancient Sumer and Egypt. So get used to it. Julius Caesar didn’t cut himself shaving.
Karen Kingston, who had a long career, evaluating patents and technical developments in the pharmaceutical industry has now uncovered scientific literature and documents from the FDA that prove that our own government's officials knew that the pseudo vaccines would injure and kill people. They also knew that the injections would actually cause the disease, not protect anyone from anything, least of all "transmission". The confluence of evil agendas at play during the pandemic operation, ideological and financial, may be so complex that it will never be fully known. What is indisputable is that we have an illegitimate administration, a Manchurian Candidate Redux, in the person of Joe Biden. Most of his circle is tainted beyond redemption and needs to be removed from office soon. Even if they did not understand the scientific frauds they enabled, they obviously betrayed the country by putting half-baked ideological ideas above the constitution. It’s that famous meme from the good old days of totalitarianism behind the iron curtain: “The ends justify the means.”
Treason is an impeachable offense. We know which globalists have been pushing these crimes against humanity, Schwab, Fauci, Gates, etc. They are not going to stop until they are indicted and face a jury. They have more bioweapons, false flags, and international incidents up their sleeves. Americans understandably have a hard time understanding this level of evil. History is not taught much in public schools anymore. No surprise that New York State did away with American history as a requirement for high school graduation. The state has been a leader in spreading vaccine misinformation and engaging in illegal coercive activities that fly in the face of our Bill of Rights.
The people pushing the vaccines want to depopulate the planet and enslave the survivors. Here is the clear-cut evidence that they rolled out the vaccines knowing full well that there was no medical benefit and that they would damage a significant % of the population.
Here is Karen's full article reproduced below with her permission. She is a courageous woman who deserves our support. Find her Kingston Report on substack where she exposes these crimes against humanity as they are revealed by the perpetrators’ own documents. Check out the links in my Thanksgiving article for ideas about mitigating the damage done by the synthetic spike protein and other parts of the mRNA injections. It’s time to demand that state prosecutors do their jobs.
THE KINGSTON REPORTIntended Consequences: mRNA Vaccines were Designed to Cause Severe Disease and Be Resistant to AntibodiesData published by spike protein inventors, Barney Graham & Jason McLellan, COVID-19 mRNA vaccines were purposefully designed to not protect against SARS-CoV-2 or variants and cause disease
Barney Graham of the NIAID and Jason McClellan of the University of Texas, are the inventors of the S-2P spike proteins produced by the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines.
In the February 19, 2020 publication in Science, authored by the inventors of coronavirus S-2P spike proteins, Barney Graham and Jason McClellan, the authors state that the S-2P ‘spike protein’ has stronger binding affinity to the ACE-2 receptors (in the hearts, lungs, kidneys, and endothelial cell line of blood vessels) than the originally SARS-CoV-2 (S) spike protein.
Graham and McLellan also tested synthetically recreated antibodies for coronaviruses (SARS-CoV-2) against the S-2P spike proteins. Their research showed that none of the antibodies for coronaviruses bound to the new trimeric two-proline spike (S-2P) and none were able to neutralize it.
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This scientific evidence (authored by the inventors of the spike proteins) confirms that the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines;
do not produce antibodies to SARS-CoV-2, and
are resistant to the antibodies for SARS-CoV-2, and therefore -
It is scientifically and clinically IMPOSSIBLE for Pfizer’s FDA-approved mRNA vaccines TO PROVIDE ANY PROTECTION AGAINST SARS-CoV-2 infection, or any coronavirus, including ‘VARIANTS’.
The strong binding of the S-2P spike proteins to the ACE-2 receptors (produced by the mRNA vaccines), is further scientific proof that the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines were designed to cause disease. (The S-2P two-proline trimeric spike is different than the (S) wild type spike produced by the SARS-CoV-2 virus).
Perhaps one can logically conclude that the FDA authorized and approved Pfizer’s mRNA vaccines because the injections elicited a ‘robust immune response.’ But the FDA had no evidence that ‘robust immune response’ had provided any clinical benefit in reducing the risk of SAR-CoV-2 infection or the risk of severe disease. But don’t take my word for it, take the FDA’s.
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During the FDA’s December 11, 2020, emergency use authorization meeting for the Pfizer COVID-19 mRNA vaccines, FDA committee members pointed out that the mRNA vaccines appear to provide no clinical benefit, specifically regarding severe disease.
“Some committee members raised concerns about the small number of severe COVID-19 cases and limited conclusions about the prevention of severe disease based on the study endpoints. FDA pointed out that vaccine development has a long history and that FDA is not aware of an example of any vaccine that is effective against mild disease that is not also effective against severe disease and that even though limited, data for Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine suggest efficacy against severe disease.” - FDA Pfizer EUA Meeting, Dec 11, 2020
In the history of the FDA, the FDA has never approved a vaccine that does not protect against severe disease, until the agency approved the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines.
This is where it gets interesting though (and by interesting, I mean ‘evidence of criminal intent’ interesting). Per the data discussed in that same FDA meeting, not only do Pfizer’s COVID-19 mRNA vaccines NOT prevent severe disease, Pfizer’s mRNA vaccines cause severe COVID-19 within 7 days of being injected.
Page 41 of PFIZER’s EUA submission, states that there were 409 patients who had COVID-19 symptoms within 7 days of getting their first (1st) or second (2nd) PFIZER shot, BUT these patients did not have a positive PCR-test for SARS-CoV-2.
Per PFIZER’s own document, “unconfirmed COVID-19 cases could have masked clinically significant adverse events that would have otherwise been detected.”
Per PFIZER’s EUA submission, clinically significant or severe COVID-19 cases were defined in the Phase 3 Study as kidney, liver, or neurological dysfunction*, low oxygen levels, respiratory failure, mechanical ventilation, systemic shock, admission to the intensive care unit (ICU), or death.
Pages 15-16 of PFIZER’s EUA submission, states that incidence of expected serious adverse events (reactogenicity) in 100 children aged 12-year, was so incriminating, that Pfizer and the FDA agreed to not release (cover-up) the data.
The FDA knew Pfizer’s mRNA vaccines would permanently injure and harm children. Immediately after this meeting, the FDA should have stopped all trials, especially the trial for children. Allowing the pediatric trials to move forward was a criminal act by the FDA.
Maddie de Garay was a health young, happy girl prior to being a study participant in Pfizer’s 12-15 year old Phase 3 trial. She is now paralyzed and requires a wheel chair. Her serious adverse events were recorded as a stomach ache in the trial.
During the December 11, 2020 meeting, data was disclosed of a teenager from the 16-17 year old group (n=77) who was vaccinated with the Pfizer mRNA vaccine. The vaccinated teenager fractured his facial bone structures, likely from the fainting caused by the mRNA vaccines.
Per September 17, 2021, FDA committee meeting, the FDA has full knowledge that two (2) injections of Pfizer’s mRNA vaccines increases a person risk for developing COVID-19 over time versus a person who remains unvaccinated.
In other words, Pfizer’s COVID-19 mRNA vaccines cause COVID-19.
So there you have it. The FDA authorized and approved the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines knowing the injections would cause injury, disease, disabilities, and death at a higher rate than the SARS-CoV-2 virus (much, much higher rate).
The FDA mRNA vaccine committee is also well-versed in the immunogenicity and lethality of mRNA ‘vaccines’ based on over a decade of analysis by the agency on protein-based therapies.
Lastly, on October 22, 2020, (prior to any mRNA vaccine authorizations) the FDA had a meeting with industry, where a list of the expected severe diseases and outcomes that would be caused by the mRNA vaccines was disclosed. When the FDA authorized and then approved the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines, the agency knew that the mRNA vaccines do not prevent transmission or severe disease.
The above list of diseases and outcomes are not sides effects. The above list of diseases and death are the intended consequences of the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines.
Based on the body of evidence submitted to the FDA by Pfizer, the FDA is fully knowledgeable that Pfizer’s COVID-19 mRNA vaccines cause mild-moderate disease, severe disease, injuries, disabilities, and even death in adults and children. Th FDA is fully aware that the mRNA vaccines put American adults and children at significant risk for hospitalizations and death while the ‘SARS-CoV-2 virus’ does not.
The FDA’s approval of COVID-19 mRNA vaccines is not only fraudulent, it is conspiracy to commit premeditated battery, assault, and murder of Americans.
The Kingston Report. TRUTH WINS.